Recent content by FraidyMan

  1. F

    InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

    I got pretty good results this year with random seeds growing with ProMix and MiracleGro. I used 50% ProMix, 25 % worm castings, 25% Sheep compost: to each 50 liters of mix, I added 1 kg of vermiculite, 1 kg sand, 500 g of dolomitic lime, 250 g of epsom salts, 100 g powdered kelp first in...
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  3. F

    What is this fabulous lady, and is she ready

    I dont see a lot of white pistils, but under magnification, I see shiny, transparent trichrome stalks, but very few of them have spheres on the end. Does this mean they are immature?
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  5. F

    What is this fabulous lady, and is she ready

    I germinated several random seeds last winter, and two of them were very different from the rest. Their sugar leaves were sparse, but huge, foliage was open, and stayed open as the continued to grow under lights. Trimming trained 6 main stems, sharing the lead. They went outside June 1 after...
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  9. F

    What are these hairy little sacs?

    Two weeks later, and no pollen sacs have erupted on this beauty. I am very glad I didn't chop her down.
  10. F

    Should I prune older big fan leaves?

    I had powdery mildew on some succulents, and one soaking with a mild solution of bicarbonate of soda (1 tablespoon in a quart) got rid of it in 3 days.
  11. F

    What are these hairy little sacs?

    The pollen sac is very clear... no hairs, no central projection.... wonder if it is a banana-like male gland?
  12. F

    What are these hairy little sacs?

    I hope you are right.... the plant is vegging nicely outside with 3 neighbours and it would be a shame if she was a Hermionie...
  13. F

    What are these hairy little sacs?

    One of my plants has a lot of pistils, but also has these little sacs with hairs that look like seed pods. I don't believe they are pollen sacs, because of the shape - like my nuts, the projection and the hairs at the end. Any ideas?
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