Recent content by Frank_Dawson6

  1. F

    My Vaporizer is burning my weed!

    First of all, you need some green buds, Second after a couple of hits the bud turns brown, And the smoke is almost invisible, Its just thc and maybe a little bit of something else burning. Vaps are supposed to "burn" your bud.
  2. F

    How to clean a bowl?

    I have this bowl and its all covered up in resin and just sick, how can i clean it?
  3. F

    #12 - New Mexico MMJ Bill Signed

    Yeah, i was looking up news on google about marijuana and saw that
  4. F

    Stoned jokes

    Re: stonhad jokes A stoner walks in to this bar and asks for a drink the bartender goes ok how bout you have a shot of Stoned He says ok So afterwards he's walking back home nice and buzzed and sees this stone on the sidewalk and says Hey do you know there is a drink named after you and he...
  5. F

    Weed Tea

    Re: Weed Tee How stoned do you get on this "Tea"?
  6. F

    Favorite high saying

    Don't drink and drive Smoke and fly
  7. F

    Loner stoner?

    The max i could smoke with would be 5, if any more i wouldnt do it. The way it is for me right now, is me and my bro go and smoke with a couple of people we know, its always fun smoking with someone new.
  8. F

    Which anti-cannabis commercial is tha most absurd?

    Just reading this thread makes me mad. The one that really got to me was the slooming, that has nothing to do with marijuana. And there is that one where that guy smokes in the park and an alien comes and steals his girlfriend. Im pretty sure my girlfriend is going to date a martian if i go and...
  9. F

    Raw Throat

    Ever time I smoke for like 5-10 mins, i get this raw feeling in the back of my throat, does anyone else have this same problem or is there any thing i can do so that it wont get that way? Thank you for your support. :bongrip:
  10. F

    I Picked Up A Bag Of Swag. And

    Re: I Picked Up A Bag Of Swag....And You look pretty close to your avater, but thats kewl, keep on toking.
  11. F

    Amsterdam - I have returned

    So if i went to amsterdam, a non medical user, i couldnt buy any bud in the shops?
  12. F

    What do you like to munch on?

    Oreos with milk, is so gooood. Ramen is perfect Chips Pizza
  13. F

    Heading to Amsterdam

    Dude, take as many pictures as possible.
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