Recent content by Generic Name123

  1. G

    Leaves getting purple, nothing I tried helped

    alright guys ! thanks for the help already !
  2. G

    Leaves getting purple, nothing I tried helped

    Thanks for the fast reply ! I thought about Nitrogen defficy too, but if I give her more Nitrogent, wont I even burn her harder? It's a "hobby growing soil" which I have been using for my "normal" plants for a long time. It says: PH: 5,5-7.0 Salt: g/L : <3 Nutrits: 100-500mg/l Nitrogen...
  3. G

    Leaves getting purple, nothing I tried helped

    Hello everyone! As you can see in my pictures, the leaves of my (4 week old Sour Diesel) have gotten purple. She gets 12/12 for a week now but the leaves have been purple before that. Some other facts : temp is ~25 degree Celsius (77F) during lightening and ~23-24 degree Celsius (73,5F-75,2F)...
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