Recent content by ghostdog24

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  3. G

    Purple Kush First Grow Ever - 400 Watt CFL Set Up

    yess it does . i have 8 one inch wholes
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  5. G

    Purple Kush First Grow Ever - 400 Watt CFL Set Up

    Thats what i did . i think there is nothing else i can do at this point but wait and hope for the best i guess :thumb:
  6. G

    Purple Kush First Grow Ever - 400 Watt CFL Set Up

    its soil with zero nutes in it .
  7. G

    Purple Kush First Grow Ever - 400 Watt CFL Set Up

    i know bro haha. what i mean is should i give theme there first week feeding are they ready or i should give theme only water ? and thank you bro for all the help you have provided cheers .
  8. G

    Purple Kush First Grow Ever - 400 Watt CFL Set Up

    do i think i if should feed the 2 big one? they need some water.
  9. G

    Purple Kush First Grow Ever - 400 Watt CFL Set Up

    if your talking about humidity yes i do . its usually around 40 % .
  10. G

    Purple Kush First Grow Ever - 400 Watt CFL Set Up

    i will check this when they will dry a ittile more . what about the other 2 . they need watering right now should i give theme their first week feeding ?
  11. G

    Purple Kush First Grow Ever - 400 Watt CFL Set Up

    i did some research and this might be the problem but i dont know how to check if the roots are rotten or not?
  12. G

    Purple Kush First Grow Ever - 400 Watt CFL Set Up

    i have calibrated my pen before checking the run off . how can i see if there is bugs .
  13. G

    Purple Kush First Grow Ever - 400 Watt CFL Set Up

    hey whats up jimmy . i just gave theme water and cheked the run off . my ph pen is reading 6.0 ph and my ppm is 552 .
  14. G

    Purple Kush First Grow Ever - 400 Watt CFL Set Up

    hi everyone i really need your help i came home today and found thins on 2 of my plants but the 3 other dont have it . is there a way i can save it from dying . can anyone help please thx
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