Recent content by GoGreen420

  1. G

    Couple of questions

    What are you referring to when you listed those percents? Is that the amount of nute to water?
  2. G

    Couple of questions

    Hey everybody, GoGreen420 here, I have a couple of basic questions that I could really use answering before I start up my first grow/journal. 1.) When first seedlings appear, do you go directly to 18/6 lighting or do you hit them with 24 hour lighting untill they have grown a little in...
  3. G

    What is "middies"?

    I was just wondering what middies was and if there was like a "middies" seed or is it just a different strain that was grown under very bad conditions. Thanks :grinjoint:
  4. G

    New Englander

    I am going to do my first grow with soil, then try hydro and see which I like better. Thanks for the replies everyone hope to see you guys around the forums.
  5. G

    Time between strechlings and veg. cycle?

    Thanks for the response, was exactly what I was looking for.
  6. G

    Time between strechlings and veg. cycle?

    Is there any change in light or temps or anything for that matter inbetween stretchlings and the veg. cycle? If so, how can you tell the veg. cycle has started? :rollit:
  7. G

    New Englander

    :cool: Or the "wicked" in "wicked high." Haha, see you round the forums!
  8. G

    New Englander

    Hey everybody, stoppin' by from New England.. Going to be starting up some basic question forums for my personal knowledge on the basics of growing and soon to come grow journals. :rollit: let the good times roll.
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