Recent content by Gouf

  1. Gouf

    White Widow in Space Buckets?

    It's alive!
  2. Gouf

    White Widow in Space Buckets?

    I'm actually about to rebuild the second bucket so yeah I can post photos...soon as I figure out how. That being said... There really isn't much to see, honestly. I'm not after epic growth or a major haul. If I can pull off 1 oz I have already "won" this battle. Also posting pics doesn't...
  3. Gouf

    White Widow in Space Buckets?

    Totally new here. Forgive me if I missed some new person protocol. I was reading some of the other white widow forums and that did answer a few things, but has anyone tried growing in space buckets? For the time being discretion is my biggest issue. So this is my only option. I know they...
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