Recent content by GreenAngel

  1. recent photos

    recent photos

    How my babies are growing
  2. recent photos

    recent photos

    How my babies are growing
  3. recent photos

    recent photos

    How my babies are growing
  4. recent photos

    recent photos

    How my babies are growing
  5. 60 days on the 14th

    60 days on the 14th

    5 Cfls and 400w led
  6. 60 days on the 14th

    60 days on the 14th

    5 Cfls and 400w led
  7. 60 days on the 14th

    60 days on the 14th

    5 Cfls and 400w led
  8. 60 days on the 14th

    60 days on the 14th

    5 Cfls and 400w led
  9. 60 days on the 14th

    60 days on the 14th

    5 Cfls and 400w led
  10. G

    740 Watt LED - 8 Plants - Waikiki Queen - Sour Bubble - Sour Diesel

    Nice grow I have a 400w led I see you have yours pretty close which is cool because I cannot do that with the led panel I have because my leaves get hard and crispy kinda like a leathery feeling so I switched back to cfls until flowering to see if it's better for them at that time
  11. G

    Self introduction

    First time grower hope I get to learn and grow with everyone here. Happy growing!
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