Recent content by GreenDhumb

  1. G

    GreenDhumb's First Grow: Barney's Farm Blue Cheese Feminized With Mars Hydro TSL2000

    Please delete thread. Set-up has completely changed and starting a new journal from scratch.
  2. G

    GreenDhumb's First Grow: Barney's Farm Blue Cheese Feminized With Mars Hydro TSL2000

    Woke up this morning and checked on the gals and it appears that their vibrant color is returning and they're looking perkier. Hard to tell with the molasses spots all over them though! Tonight I'll be misting with water to somewhat reactivate the residue and help wash some of it off. This...
  3. G

    GreenDhumb's First Grow: Barney's Farm Blue Cheese Feminized With Mars Hydro TSL2000

    Foliar fed tonight with an organic calmag concoction that consists of powdered egg shells, Epsom salt, molasses and reverse osmosis water enriched with natural sources of calcium with a ph of about 6.5. Hoping to see some improvements shortly.
  4. G

    GreenDhumb's First Grow: Barney's Farm Blue Cheese Feminized With Mars Hydro TSL2000

    Hey all! Sorry about the long pause in between posting. Probably the most boring journal on the site. Been busy the last month and a lot has changed with my set up (the entire set up). I'm now in an 8x8 and using auto pots. I have 4 600 watt air cooled MH's going in there with an AC and a...
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  10. G

    GreenDhumb's First Grow: Barney's Farm Blue Cheese Feminized With Mars Hydro TSL2000

    Thanks for the light suggestion. I should have also mentioned I'm only going to wind up growing 3 of the 4 in a scrog using 5 galon fabric pots and topping them all once. Will be keeping the nicest looking of the bunch and then gifting the 4th. As for the walnut with the condom in it... ooops I...
  11. G

    GreenDhumb's First Grow: Barney's Farm Blue Cheese Feminized With Mars Hydro TSL2000

    Hey all. This will be both my introductory post to the forums and the first post of my journal.. Have been a user of this fine herb medically and recreationally for 15 years now and recently moved into our new home and decided why not save some money and have some fun while doing it by doing...
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