Recent content by greentmeds

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  2. G

    My girl just showed a blondes pubic hair

    Yes sir, just keep in mind the intensity of the hps compared to what u were running. Like what redmud said, start it off no closer than 2 feet if u can then adjust everyday till u see burn and back off. Some strains like it bright others want space. There are lots of help pages on the web about...
  3. G

    My girl just showed a blondes pubic hair

    Just concentrate on keeping them healthy your next grow, autos will never get very big. Sent from my iPhone using 420
  4. G

    My girl just showed a blondes pubic hair

    As of right now hps is the number 1 light for growing and it's not even close. You will be very happy with it. I use a switchable 1000 watt MH/HPS and a 300 watt galaxy hydro led for first week of veg and as a compliment light the last 3-4 weeks of flower. Led is great for foliage development...
  5. G

    My girl just showed a blondes pubic hair

    It's going ok red. Honestly been one set back after another but they are surviving. Been meaning to update my journal, just keeps slipping my mind one reason or the other. Yes Racer I am eager to see what's up with the grow? Get the new light yet? Guess I will go update my grow while I'm...
  6. G

    My girl just showed a blondes pubic hair

    What's up buddy!!! I'm lots of help getting into more trouble lol. So what's the update with the grow? How's everything going.
  7. G

    My girl just showed a blondes pubic hair

    I'm along for the ride lol. Haven't had a light fall on any grows yet but I did come home last night to find my fan fallen on top of my flowering girls and chopping them up!! Wanted to cry lol. I think I can get them back though. Sent from my iPhone using 420
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