Recent content by Grownicorn

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  2. Grownicorn

    First Grow, Blue Cookies, RDWC: Watch A Dumb Unicorn Fail At Life

    More pictures! So many pretty flowers. :o
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  6. Grownicorn

    First Grow, Blue Cookies, RDWC: Watch A Dumb Unicorn Fail At Life

    Took the PPMs up to 1500 at the start of this week, and they started rejecting the extra nutes - By yesterday they were up to 1750ppms, so I took about half of the current solution out and replaced it with cal-mag only water. PPMs were 1300 last night before lights out - this morning they were...
  7. Grownicorn

    First Grow, Blue Cookies, RDWC: Watch A Dumb Unicorn Fail At Life

    I ended up strapping them down hardcore, they were just too tightly packed and bushy. I also lollipopped them about as much as I'm comfortable doing without guidance. Any suggestions would be great, and I'd love to get some opinions from experienced growers. They're just about 4 weeks past the...
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  10. Grownicorn

    First Grow, Blue Cookies, RDWC: Watch A Dumb Unicorn Fail At Life

    That's a good sign then, but disappointing. I was hoping for colas. I can agree about the smell though; Even this early into flowering, the smell's enough to make my eyes water when I go in there to bend branches around.
  11. Grownicorn

    First Grow, Blue Cookies, RDWC: Watch A Dumb Unicorn Fail At Life

    My first bud picture, yay. Feedback on how things look would be wonderful, if any could be given at this stage. Everything that happens after veg is a mystery to me.
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  13. Grownicorn

    First Grow, Blue Cookies, RDWC: Watch A Dumb Unicorn Fail At Life

    I'm doing hydroponics, so perhaps I'll have better luck with them. They've got plenty of root mass, and it's building steadily - I'm starting to see the beginnings of proper root balls on both as they grow into and around each other. It's pretty cool. I also eliminated some of the organic stuff...
  14. Grownicorn

    First Grow, Blue Cookies, RDWC: Watch A Dumb Unicorn Fail At Life

    All things considered, they still look lovely. I'm sure it's nowhere near as much of a yield as you wanted, but nice and tight. Hopefully mine do a little better - I'm using the Fox Farms flowering trio, so hopefully that increases bud size a bit. How's the smell, by the way? Right now mine...
  15. Grownicorn

    First Grow, Blue Cookies, RDWC: Watch A Dumb Unicorn Fail At Life

    Lots of buds! All of them are showing now, and pistils are everywhere. I keep bending her down, so she's still pretty short but mostly even. Not sure how much I should defoliate in the meantime, if at all. I did a res change last night - Previously, they were at about 950ppms, this week they're...
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