Recent content by Gun_Jack

  1. G

    Update: S.C. School raided over Marijuana

    OG, no shit people arnt just gonna forget about racism, but if they did it wouldnt be a problem (duh).
  2. G

    Update: S.C. School raided over Marijuana

    The shakles were an over exageration, but you get my point. Whites get more rights than blacks and then blacks are gonna bitch. And visa versa. Forget about it and just say were all human.
  3. G

    Update: S.C. School raided over Marijuana

    Ohh I know plenty, perhaps oldguy, you dont know what youre talking about. Have you ever thought about that?
  4. G

    Update: S.C. School raided over Marijuana

    Right now in america I think its safe to say blacks have more rights than whites do. When they were slaves, we had more rights than them, obviously. So what are whites gonna do now? Are you gonna bitch and bitch untill everyone gets pissed and you slam blacks back into the shakles and whip them...
  5. G

    Update: S.C. School raided over Marijuana

    Racism, Racism, Racism, how much it is brought up in this board, and made a big deal over. Maybe if everyone would quit bitching about it it would go away.
  6. G

    Importance of weed 1-10

    Hmm. Perhaps if i would have only had 1-5
  7. G


    I always look all the way to the right upper corner of my vision with then squint fast and hard, then i look all the way to the upper left hand corner of my vision and squint really hard.
  8. G

    Importance of weed 1-10

    i wanna keep it on the first page so i can get more hits;)
  9. G

    Arrested Today

    every morning at school me and a friend go out side next to the school and smoke a jay, no one has busted us yet
  10. G

    Importance of weed 1-10

    On a scale of 1-10 how important is weed in your life? 1 being not important at all, 10 being the most important thing.
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