Recent content by harrywaless

  1. H

    HPS bulb lifespan?

    It is well documented and tested that the bulbs lose their intensity within the first year or two. I'd follow harrad's advice, his numbers are right on.
  2. H

    Burnt bulb

    Valves located in the central fusebox somewhere. The light bulb has a small metal coils in the filament, which it described as breaks from the intense heat. Problems are different.
  3. H

    Cheaper HPS bulb options

    Hortilux Super HPS Enhanced Spectrum grow lamps refine your lighting system to provide the best spectral energy levels that promote plant growth is strong. Eye Super HPS EN Grow Lamps provide 17% of total energy of the energy by 25% and more in the violet,
  4. H

    Bulb brand hype?

    I have found more and more people like me, more and more reasons to be uncomfortable with fluorescent lights. When some people see that I do not use them, and try to tell me how big they are. When I try to explain why I prefer incandescent.
  5. H

    What is a Conversion Bulb?

    I do it in the green house to flowering, and use 2 600, and one reg HPS and the second runs the promotion of HPS both in lamps Hood himself, to be 184 000 University of Lahore, that is less expensive to run or as a lot of hps 1000watt, But able to put closer to the bulb and better control of...
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