Recent content by Hashberry

  1. DSCI00133


  2. DSCI00152


  3. DSCI00092


  4. DSCI00022


  5. My Garden

    My Garden

  6. H

    My First Grow on 420 - Hashberry + BCN Diesel

    Re: My first grow on 420 (Hashberry+BCN Diesel) I've made an mistake with the pics, sorry 4 that. so here we go...nice big pictures 4 ya'll :high-five: PeAcE
  7. H

    My First Grow on 420 - Hashberry + BCN Diesel

    Hey folks Here's my first report for the 420mag community. I'm not from the U.S. so please excuse my english if i should make some mistakes but i hope ya'll enjoy my ladies as much as i do. First of all something about my equipment. Homebox L "Silver" 400W hps +cooltube S&P Ventilutio​n TD...
  8. H

    Germany: Cannabis Law

    i'm absolutely sure that a bong isn't illegal in germany so there isn't a problem to get it delivered to your house. All the stuff (bongs,blunts, papers, grinders ect.) are legal in germany and you can buy it almost at every gas station or local tabacco store. and the cops can confiscate a bong...
  9. H

    My 250W hps Grow....Day 45

    hi evertking i've never grown their BlackJack but i've grown some of their other strains. my first strain from sweetseeds was the green poison which is a really good strain. only have a flowering time of 7 weeks and the herb is strong and the taste is average. not as strong as their other...
  10. H

    My 250W hps Grow....Day 45

    Hey smokerz and tokers, here i am with first pics of my ongoing grow (8 Plants under 250W hps). but before i'm showing any pics i'm gonna hit ya'll with some information about this strain.:rasta: "Autopolinización of one of our more powerful and aromatic mothers, Black Domina selected from...
  11. DSCI00131


  12. DSCI00111


  13. DSCI00101


  14. DSCI0008


  15. DSCI0007


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