Recent content by Hogiethedutch

  1. H

    Growing for people who can't grow?

    In California under state law you do not need a State card to receive Medical Marijuana. All you have to have is a recomendation from a doctor that says your illness you suffer from can provide relief from marijuana. Neither the doctor or the patient/caregiver can be prosecuted by state law...
  2. H

    Growing for people who can't grow?

    I live in California, and am about to have my first successful grow. I have a rec, and it takes a lot in electricity to grow hydro just for myself. So if I want to grow for other patients, I just need a copy of their rec and it's totally legal to help them out? I'm not looking to make a business...
  3. H

    Celebrities @ Green House Amsterdam

    I'd love to smoke with Burt Reynolds ..... Awesome pic!!!! Smokie and the Bandit is one of my all time favorite movies.
  4. H

    How Does His Marijuana Garden Grow? Carefully and Quietly, Ann Arbor Caregiver Says

    Re: How Does His Marijuana Garden Grow? Carefully and Quietly, Ann Arbor Caregiver Sa If people vote on anything, it's what the people want, and that is what they should get. But since pharms that make all the medicine, money, and addicts to prescription and happy pills pretty much says what...
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