Recent content by holy seeds

  1. H

    Looking for Growers In Netherland

    Mostly between 4800-6500 euro a key it depends who they buy it from the more you have the higher the price gets weirdly. The most expensive strain I don't know it depends on your relationship with an owner and if he's willing to pay extra for connoisseur strains grown organically, mostly they...
  2. H

    13 days since they popped out - Are they growing slow?

    2 much water? Usually it's due to overwatering
  3. H

    Ok guys I've got hermies - What to do with them?

    If they are standing next to other plants then throw them out quick
  4. H

    Looking for Growers In Netherland

    The same rules apply to everyone. 50 gr is a real small amount, mostly 500 and above 50 gr is like 15 customers and then they're sold out to illustrate a shop in Rotterdam was closed because they had more than 100 keys in a room above the shop they were closed down for a month and then were...
  5. H

    Looking for Growers In Netherland

    Question 1: Selling cannabis to a coffeeshop is illegal. The sale of weed in a coffeeshop is tolerated and the coffee shops pay taxes but it is still illegal by law to sell cannabis and selling to a shop is not tolerated. Q2: They are allowed to have 500 grams in house usually they use...
  6. H

    Looking for Growers In Netherland

    What do you want to know?
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