Recent content by Homegrowr

  1. Homegrowr

    Two recent transplants having issues

    Going out right now for soil to mix. Coco coir, peat moss and perlite. Will this save them?
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  3. Homegrowr

    Two recent transplants having issues

    In five gallon plastic with pro mix moisture saving potting soil.
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  5. Homegrowr

    Two recent transplants having issues

    One clawing up other down. Same soil, sale watering schedule. Soil is fresh max grow, watered at transplant a week ago and the six days later. Soil was not completely dry but was going to be busy for a few days and didn’t wait. Solution?
  6. Homegrowr

    Hi from Canada: complete newb coming on board!

    I always start small and work my way up. My last plants went from seed to two feet in no time.
  7. Homegrowr

    Does this look infected

    Thank you folks. I will keep you posted on progress.
  8. Homegrowr

    Does this look infected

    Snapped. Just hanging on by 1/4 of outer bark.
  9. Homegrowr

    Does this look infected

    Broke my plant at soil level. Did emergency repair. Cleaned affected area, taped and supported. Just want to know everything will be okay.
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  11. Homegrowr


    I’m fairly new to Cannabis but have a green thumb. Yes I am growing my own. My partner suffers from anxiety. My self I only partake as pain killer. I am from Ontario Canada. My plan this year is to experiment/ familiarize myself with techniques. Thanks in advance for the information you...
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