Recent content by hoonsince89

  1. H

    Indoor Growth: What To Know?

    Its not that much different really. Just gotta make sure your temprture is good, and you have suffient airflow. Its much easier to get pest issues indoors so dont work in the garden the go into your tent in the same clothes. Mars leds are pretty good to start with. Gotta catch your water run off...
  2. H

    When to top or fim?

    i top at 3rd or 4th asap. Never had an issue...
  3. H

    Are they over-watered? Please help identify

    SmokingWings is pretty well on point. I'd avoid coco if your still kinda learning. Looks like it hasn't had sufficient nutes to establish itself and stunted. Auto's can be finicky, they dont tend to recover if you get to this point. I would probably start again. You shouldn't use a clear cup...
  4. H

    What's wrong here? Leaves turning yellow

    You really need to post more pics so people can help identify the issue, the over all plant. etc. I see lots of tip burn, so im guessing its nutrient lockout. Do a ppm slurry or run off test. might just need to flush some salts out with a good water. Ideal would be 800-1600 ish. if you get...
  5. H

    Hermi plant can't I just cut the seed pods right when I see them?

    Gotta pull the "nanner/bananers" before they turn to seed. But they can be hard to see. if you only gotta few it does help, but they can get out of control in like a single day. just do what you can and hope for the best!
  6. H

    Cal def and paleish leaves

    Im no expert... but as suggested above id add some bone meal top dress for slow release. And give 1ml cal mag per litre for the next 4 or so waters, for fast release. Since your using r/o water you might want to include a little bit in every water tho, just see how you go!
  7. H

    How big does a plant get in a 1 gallon pot?

    Not sure how experienced you are... but just watch out growing plants to big for the pot. I let mine go a little further than anticipated and got hit hard with deficiency on week 6 which destroyed the grow. I will always translate to a larger if necessary or make sure there's plenty of root room...
  8. H

    Manifold question

    I do the same as you have done... manifold, trim lower 3rd approaching flower. I'D LEAVE IT FOR NOW. I dont really take off any more untill about week 5-6 for big fan leaves, I then remove the big ones that cover large light pentration for bud sites. Around week 2-3 i pinch off all the larf...
  9. H

    LST stunted growth

    I LST and TOP from smaller size and they seem barely affected in most cases. My guess would be its either just got slower genetics for that particular seed or its the fact its only getting 5 hours of direct light. Plants are usually under the sun 12-16 hours in veg when planted the correct time...
  10. H

    Help with soil mix in Australia

    Not enough information for Aussies about soil blends.... I do something roughly like this (i just do it by eye/feel) and seems to work pretty well. Just have to be very mindfull about your tip burn/ PPM count, and salt build up. SOIL BLEND: -Organic tomato & veg soil from bunnings. -30%...
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