Recent content by hossua34

  1. hossua34

    Strain that smells like Captain Crunch?

    I was wondering if anyone had ever come across a strain that smells exactly like Captain Crunch cereal... Some of my friend think it smells like Strawberry Yoohoo. Any guesses would be appreciated. Thanks!
  2. hossua34

    Strain that smells like Captain Crunch?

    I was wondering if anyone had ever come across a strain that smells exactly like Captain Crunch cereal... Some of my friend think it smells like Strawberry Yoohoo. Any guesses would be appreciated. Thanks!
  3. hossua34

    Pro-Marijuana TV Ad Campaign Successful; More Are Planned

    EXCELLENT! I watch a lot of TV, and live in Ohio, and I didn't catch it - but then again, smokers like me are not the ones who need to see these spots. Where do I donate for the next round?
  4. hossua34

    Pro-Marijuana TV Ad Campaign Successful; More Are Planned

    EXCELLENT! I watch a lot of TV, and live in Ohio, and I didn't catch it - but then again, smokers like me are not the ones who need to see these spots. Where do I donate for the next round?
  5. hossua34

    Plans To Legalize Pot

    I have always wondered how every red-blooded, small-government, freedom-loving, free market conservative finds a justification for opposing weed. Flavor of the month seems to be "this isn't your grandpa's pot we're dealing with anymore". What??? My grandpa smoked weed??? Frank is right...
  6. hossua34

    Politician Fired Up Over Oshawa Pot Party

    "We don't even allow alcohol at our Canada Day event" [Gasp] Oh my god! A politician being CONSISTENT on matters of cannabis and booze! I love Canada...
  7. hossua34

    Email from Keith Stroup of NORML; is this acceptable behavior?

    I know that too. And I guess it's just where I'm from or who I hang out with, but to me having one's "thumb up one's ass" isn't really even an insult. It's like a sarcastic way of saying someone's being lazy. He went from an email basically saying they were dropping the ball on pro-cannabis ads...
  8. hossua34

    Email from Keith Stroup of NORML; is this acceptable behavior?

    Just got back from taking Herb Fellow's advice. I'm gonna write him tomorrow and apologize for being such a dick. I saw his picture on NORML smokin' a big fattie and read that he was a criminal defense attorney also, like I want to be, and I can't really continue to be mad at him. Sure I...
  9. hossua34

    Email from Keith Stroup of NORML; is this acceptable behavior?

    No, not any way I please. But I happen to think he overreacted in grand fashion to what I ACTUALLY said. The whole point of that line you quoted of mine was that, if you're going to be a credible national organization, you have to deal professionally with whatever the public throws your way...
  10. hossua34

    Email from Keith Stroup of NORML; is this acceptable behavior?

    Of course, you're right. I was pissed off a bit by Obama's skirting of the marijuana question at his town hall (which had just happened), and that contributed to my making the "thumbs up asses" metaphor. It was uncalled for. The lack of professionalism with which he conducted himself in...
  11. hossua34

    Email from Keith Stroup of NORML; is this acceptable behavior?

    Also, FYI, I know plenty about what NORML does. I am well aware of all their state and local initiative efforts. I'm also aware that legalization initiatives in Colorado and Nevada failed recently. Why do you think that is? Because the public is not behind them yet, that's why. To pass any...
  12. hossua34

    Email from Keith Stroup of NORML; is this acceptable behavior?

    Re: Keith Stroup of NORML is a GIANT asshole Ok, first off, I didn't say he (or anyone in particular) sat around with their thumbs up their asses. That was a metaphor for what I see as a GENERAL LACK OF ACTION in a specific area (the TV ads). It was not that bad, and I'm sure NORML has head...
  13. hossua34

    Email from Keith Stroup of NORML; is this acceptable behavior?

    Hey guys. I haven't posted here in over two years, but I'm going to now because I am so upset I don't know where else to turn. Below is an email exchange that I just had with Keith Stroup, "legal counsel" for NORML (although how this guy made it to that position is beyond me). What happened...
  14. hossua34

    Who has seen the latest ONDCP propaganda?

    I always thought the "this is your brain on drugs" commercials were aimed more at methamphetamine, or maybe crack. Still, I guess it does the same damage when people remember it as including pot, too.
  15. hossua34

    Who has seen the latest ONDCP propaganda?

    Yeah, I used to support Ron Paul, regardless of the fact that he has not a snowball's chance in hell of winning a race... But when you look at his past, he's really a bit of a scumbag in disguise. Dude used to publish ranting newsletters smearing blacks, gays and other groups. No wonder even the...
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