Recent content by HotHeadBurner

  1. HotHeadBurner

    Pioneering indoor Cannabis growing in my country with Land Races & Bag Seeds: sigh

    Just found this post Emmie's DIY CalMagPhos+ From Eggshells by Emilya. Starting a journal so I am ending this thread. Thank you all for kickstarting this journey I am on.
  2. HotHeadBurner

    Pioneering indoor Cannabis growing in my country with Land Races & Bag Seeds: sigh

    Progress Report: #Winning Fertilizers Suxk!! Investing in "Super Soil" (as I should have earlier when I was advised on this thread), been hunting down Organic Material that can work as fertilizers. So far I have a Biochar, Humus, Spyrulina Powder, Moringa Powder, Neem Cake Powder, Malted...
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  8. HotHeadBurner

    Pioneering indoor Cannabis growing in my country with Land Races & Bag Seeds: sigh

    Thanks a lot!!! Will order soon. Was also thinking of getting some Mycorrhizal fungi to add to my soil mix. Hope thisis not a bad idea. Heard the fungi help root growth. Thanks again for the help.
  9. HotHeadBurner

    Pioneering indoor Cannabis growing in my country with Land Races & Bag Seeds: sigh

    Lool, made a couple of those (high buys). Would be happy to take stuff off your hands, been on the USPS site for a bit looking up shipping rates. Sure I will crack shipping soon. Thanks for the suggestions too. This site has been mighty great.
  10. HotHeadBurner

    Pioneering indoor Cannabis growing in my country with Land Races & Bag Seeds: sigh

    Also found a Garden shop online that I can get "noon-canna" specific ferts. Would love if someone could give me a nudge towards what I should purchase as substitutes to the regular. Been watching the NPK values of some of their stuff, just...
  11. HotHeadBurner

    Pioneering indoor Cannabis growing in my country with Land Races & Bag Seeds: sigh

    :( Hello Everyone, my project just took a huge hit. THE BLOODY TSA ... Sigh. My friend had to leave ALL my Ferts in the states, all $276 worth (threw in a couple of 4oz FF ferts). Apparently, fertilizers are on the "No Fly" list, I should have know this could be an issue being that I have...
  12. HotHeadBurner

    Pioneering indoor Cannabis growing in my country with Land Races & Bag Seeds: sigh

    Haha yes Many. I also have 80w 6500k Led lights, I can buy 10 of those but I worry about proper spread, will go to a light shop soon for more options to use before my recommended grow lights arrive. Do you reckon LED flood lights would be any good?
  13. HotHeadBurner

    Pioneering indoor Cannabis growing in my country with Land Races & Bag Seeds: sigh

    Thanks GGD, I have chosen the 2.5kg bag as my friend is bringing it by air, he def wont pay for extra luggage. Will add the bigger bag to my shipping freight items (Fox soils) hopefully I can find cheap enough shipping to get those over soon. As Slammy Pajama recommended I will probably also...
  14. HotHeadBurner

    Pioneering indoor Cannabis growing in my country with Land Races & Bag Seeds: sigh

    'I knew I should have joined this forum sooner. Thanks for the suggestions, I will def be going with this mix for one of my pots. The compost has a detailed composition, it is just numbers to me, I dont know the relevance of each proportion. All I see is that it is potassium light. I suppose...
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