Recent content by hydrobong

  1. H

    Comment by 'hydrobong' in 'Help with new clones from dispo'

    2 of my clones look similar, i think i got a little root rot wen i left them in the probagator too long waiting for two others to root.
  2. H

    The Church

    im growing the church cropping 2 plants/clones every 2 weeks in a cycle. my humidity was very high around 75% lights on 90% lights off as im growing in a basement. I have had a spot of mold on my first plants as id turn my outtake off at night and the humidity shot up to 99%. any other strain...
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    iv been growing in soil for months cropping 2 plants/clones every 2 weeks in a cycle. Iv just made a 4 sight 5gal rdwc drip ring system with 10 inch net pots and thought to do a journal.
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