Recent content by insom

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  2. I

    Insom's First Grows! Blue Mystic Auto, Soil, Custom Bucket Setup With LEDs

    Anyone out there? This post is well overdue, but...harvested Lapis two weekends ago! She was definitely ready - probably could have come down a few days earlier but I wanted a clear schedule to focus on the harvest. Wet weight was about 2 oz of bud and .5 oz of trim; the bud has dried down to...
  3. I

    Insom's First Grows! Blue Mystic Auto, Soil, Custom Bucket Setup With LEDs

    Well, the end is nigh! Lapis is just coming up on 10 weeks and it's about time to harvest. This strain seems to average out around this age, and the trichomes are looking about where I want them. She's been getting water only for the past week; planning to chop this weekend. Super excited, hope...
  4. Lapis the Blue Mystic Auto @ 68 days

    Lapis the Blue Mystic Auto @ 68 days

    Well, my first grow is almost at an end! Lapis is coming up on 10 weeks since planting and is getting harvested this weekend, most likely. Next to her, Amethyst is 15 days old and looking good so far.
  5. Lapis the Blue Mystic Auto @ 68 days

    Lapis the Blue Mystic Auto @ 68 days

    Well, my first grow is almost at an end! Lapis is coming up on 10 weeks since planting and is getting harvested this weekend, most likely. Next to her, Amethyst is 15 days old and looking good so far.
  6. Lapis the Blue Mystic Auto @ 68 days

    Lapis the Blue Mystic Auto @ 68 days

    Well, my first grow is almost at an end! Lapis is coming up on 10 weeks since planting and is getting harvested this weekend, most likely. Next to her, Amethyst is 15 days old and looking good so far.
  7. Lapis the Blue Mystic Auto @ 68 days

    Lapis the Blue Mystic Auto @ 68 days

    Well, my first grow is almost at an end! Lapis is coming up on 10 weeks since planting and is getting harvested this weekend, most likely. Next to her, Amethyst is 15 days old and looking good so far.
  8. Lapis the Blue Mystic Auto @ 68 days

    Lapis the Blue Mystic Auto @ 68 days

    Well, my first grow is almost at an end! Lapis is coming up on 10 weeks since planting and is getting harvested this weekend, most likely. Next to her, Amethyst is 15 days old and looking good so far.
  9. Lapis the Blue Mystic Auto @ 68 days

    Lapis the Blue Mystic Auto @ 68 days

    Well, my first grow is almost at an end! Lapis is coming up on 10 weeks since planting and is getting harvested this weekend, most likely. Next to her, Amethyst is 15 days old and looking good so far.
  10. Lapis the Blue Mystic Auto @ 68 days

    Lapis the Blue Mystic Auto @ 68 days

    Well, my first grow is almost at an end! Lapis is coming up on 10 weeks since planting and is getting harvested this weekend, most likely. Next to her, Amethyst is 15 days old and looking good so far.
  11. Lapis the Blue Mystic Auto @ 68 days

    Lapis the Blue Mystic Auto @ 68 days

    Well, my first grow is almost at an end! Lapis is coming up on 10 weeks since planting and is getting harvested this weekend, most likely. Next to her, Amethyst is 15 days old and looking good so far.
  12. I

    Insom's First Grows! Blue Mystic Auto, Soil, Custom Bucket Setup With LEDs

    Will update with new pics later, but exciting news - Amethyst has sprouted and is looking great! Healthy little seedling with her first set of leaves growing in. Lapis, meanwhile, is 61 days from seed and just about ready to harvest, judging by the trichomes. Mostly cloudy, some amber, some...
  13. I

    Insom's First Grows! Blue Mystic Auto, Soil, Custom Bucket Setup With LEDs

    So, first, some sad news. Peridot, the second Blue Mystic Auto, didn't make it. This is entirely my fault; I haven't really been myself for the past few weeks and I was pretty clumsy with that seedling. She never really had a fair shot. Pour one out for her. Taking her place on the left side of...
  14. Lapis the Blue Mystic Auto @ 53 days

    Lapis the Blue Mystic Auto @ 53 days

    Flowering happily away. Her former bucketmate Peridot didn\'t make it past seedling stage (poor care on my part) and her pot is now occupied by the last seed I have from this set, who we\'ll call Amethyst.
  15. Lapis the Blue Mystic Auto @ 53 days

    Lapis the Blue Mystic Auto @ 53 days

    Flowering happily away. Her former bucketmate Peridot didn\'t make it past seedling stage (poor care on my part) and her pot is now occupied by the last seed I have from this set, who we\'ll call Amethyst.
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