Recent content by JackTheGrower

  1. JackTheGrower

    2 California Counties Move To Ban Marijuana Disensaries

    Hey.. That is bad news. So they favor the Old School and old Money distribution network. So are we watching the Moral struggle of Good folks saying no To Canna-Blight or are we seeing politicians stroking their local economic interests? Seriously.. I assume it's a morale story most...
  2. JackTheGrower

    Prop. 19 Backers Set to Try Again

    The Journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Thanks.. I'll keep participating in Life as long as I am living!
  3. JackTheGrower

    Prop. 19 Backers Set to Try Again

    I am all for another run in 2012 what I am NOT in favor of is the Lee Group deciding what we will have in 2012 like they did in 2008/2009 We do not need to be divided and we do not need to look Republican again. That just doesn't work We all need to have a Town-Meeting on the State...
  4. JackTheGrower

    Prop. 19 Failed Because The Marijuana Community Was Divided

    I agree. We also need to look to the 18+ for votes. True they are the ones least likely to vote in a midterm from what I read but they will vote in Presidential year more. We should be training them to Vote Period! I am sure they will appreciate it later in life. I do. Alcohol has been...
  5. JackTheGrower

    Prop. 19 Failed Because The Marijuana Community Was Divided

    Huh... I'll have to take your word since I was never in trouble for drinking or buying alcohol when I served. So pardon the confusion if that is true but I and others got away with it for three years then. Still I am in favor of Cannabis being legal for those 18 and older since that is what...
  6. JackTheGrower

    Prop. 19 Failed Because The Marijuana Community Was Divided

    Youth vote was low too Be aware there has been an effort to have us wait for 2016 and the next midterm but that is suspect. Come and build the next Initiative. I have all 4 of them to draw from on a site that aims to host a Town meeting on a State Level LINK I am going to do more than post...
  7. JackTheGrower

    Prop. 19 Failed Because The Marijuana Community Was Divided

    I was thinking about this and I believe we are "Blinded by the Light" We Think in terms of Legal and Illegal but the US Government thinks in terms of Trade and Control. The Feds didn't like Prop 19 and Our Gov, Arnold Schwarzenegger has claimed that no one cares if people smoke marijuana...
  8. JackTheGrower

    Prop. 19 Failed Because The Marijuana Community Was Divided

    It's awesome that your great format and news re-posts come up on Google. I have benefited from your news here! I too am hopeful about 2012 and have opened a site for the purpose of advancing discussion on California's 2012 election cycle. If I may I would like to add to...
  9. JackTheGrower

    California Lawmakers Move Towards Decriminalizing Marijuana

    Yes! This is a silent event for the most part. For one thing if you get caught with cannabis your employer now may never find out if this passes the Governor's desk but before Employers were able to find out rather fast. We still face being fired for Cannabis Medical or not so the powers...
  10. JackTheGrower

    Marijuana Dispensaries Banned In Highland

    So Hate is law. Let's see Federal says no more problems with medical states.. Allows D.C. to enact their Medical Cannabis and we still have the Haters passing laws to Hate Medical People. I guess we just have to visit these places and have a smoke out! Wouldn't it be funny if flash mob...
  11. JackTheGrower

    San Diego ASA Special Meeting People v. Jackson Lessons Learned with Q&A Dec. 8

    Please do make that available. I may not be able to afford the trip. Several medical friends and I are looking to add jobs to our county with a collective. This has changed how i look at it. I will add that I watch the Google Alerts and I saw nothing till the post on 420magazine...
  12. JackTheGrower

    San Diego ASA Special Meeting People v. Jackson Lessons Learned with Q&A Dec. 8

    Hi! I am tempted to hop a bus and go there. Does this apply to the whole of California? Or is it just San Diego? We are wanting to form a collective in a "cannabis hell county"
  13. JackTheGrower

    What happens if I move?

    Now this is all my own reasoning so take it for what it is.. Opinion. I will assume that as long as LEO can scan it and it's valid that's all they care about. You might even get a LEAP officer... The one thing i remember reading is the recommending Doctor must be your primary care...
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