Recent content by Jamesa1657

  1. J

    What is this?

    Thanks for your input guys. Did some research and now I know. Pretty sure it was from some heat stress when I wasn't around to turn the a/c on. They started coming out right at the 8th week of flowering
  2. J

    What is this?

    So you think these buds are no good?
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  4. J

    What is this?

    This is my first grow and a few of the buds shot out these weird stems. It was in the last few days of flower. What does this mean? Thanks in advance. They are the yellow stems in picture.
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  6. J

    New growth on bud

    Thanks for the input! Much appreciated.
  7. J

    New growth on bud

    Yes I have a loupe that I'm using to check the heads of the trichomes. Most are milky now. I'm waiting until I see a bit of amber then I'm going to cut it down
  8. J

    New growth on bud

    There is new growth on my buds. It's on the 9th week of flower and I only have a few days left. Will this cut down thc? When should I harvest? Will it be okay to harvest with new growth?
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  12. J

    Male or female?

    One turned out to be female. I only had room for one anyways. I have to move soon so I flipped them to flower early after only 1 month of veg. So it's going to be a small yield.
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