Recent content by JetLiIsTheMan

  1. J

    The buds,the seeds,and the confused

    it's either seeds or no seeds. if you want seeds leave the male in and if you don't take him out. simple as that.
  2. J

    Keif, Kief, keef,

    i doubt many english teachers know the correct spelling anyway. its not a common word and its not in the dictionary
  3. J

    A really hard question?

    any ferts that are used for blooming well help your yeild, just use them sparingly. but listen to experience, if you say he has been doing it for 30 years i would go with his idea.
  4. J

    My stoner computer

    i have an xps too, but no leaves or lights.
  5. J


    there was a thread on this a little while back. search for it, it was a good thread going over many places to stay and their fares. i think one of the estimated prices for a nice trip was around $1300 for a week. and that includes alot of money for weed
  6. J

    Big Bongs

    ok so with a small bong you have the potential to get more smoke per inhilation, but with a big bong you get more smoke when you clear the chamber. personaly, i like amaller bongs because they are easier to hit and you don't have to suck so much air in just to fill the chamber with smoke, but...
  7. J

    Big Bongs

    what are you smoking that gives you dark grey smoke?
  8. J

    Big Bongs

    actualy the smaller the chamber is the more smoke you get cause you don't have to inhale all of the air in the chamber first
  9. J

    I have always wondered

    why is it that the prohibition of all the drugs today require only laws, while the prohibition of alcohol required a constitutional amendment. also how can they make a law prohibiting the use of marijuana when the use of it is a basic belief of rastafarians and the first amendment says...
  10. J

    Keep The Story Going......

    your grandmother who is laying on the ground having a heart attack because...
  11. J

    Best Bowl Packing Method?

    I like to break it up really small. It seems to make the hits cooler and smoother.
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