Recent content by jfunk

  1. J

    favorite smoking song to listen to?

    How about some psychedelic instrumental reggae? You should check this out (and the rest of the Ozrics tracks). Ozric Tentacles - Iscence Another good track: Ozric Tentacles - Snakepit A favorite both sober and stoned.
  2. J

    North Texas Bud Strains

    Re: North Texas Bud Strands pretty!
  3. J

    Random smoking rants and raves

    It's not an official rave yet, but in a few weeks I'm going on a hiking/camping trip for a few days in upstate NY, and I can't wait to smoke out in the wilderness while spring is coming into bloom. I know everything is going to be so beautiful.
  4. J

    Marijuana Inc.

    Oh cool, thanks. I missed the re-runs, better write it down this time...
  5. J

    What are you paying for an ounce?

    Long Island's not a good place for prices. Generally, regs will cost upwards of $150, and the dank can easily pass $450. I haven't even come across medical grade stuff but I don't want to hear what it would cost me. Bottom line is, I don't buy from LI dealers anymore.
  6. J

    Blunt or Joint.

    Love the taste of my weed, so joints. They're quick to roll and then off I go for a nice little walk. I think I'll do just that and go enjoy the last warm day we're going to have for a week or so.
  7. J

    Indoors or Outdoors?

    Haha yeah I voted outdoors because that's where I prefer to smoke... I'm assuming when you said kahoonas, you meant which more risky? I don't know I guess it depends on where inside and where outside... I wouldn't smoke inside a police station... :rollit:
  8. J

    Prop-1 passed in michigan!

    Re: Prop-1 passed in michigan!! Congrats to you guys and everyone else in Michigan! I'm glad to see the general public is really warming up to the idea of medical marijuana. Didn't this prop also protect the rights of researchers to work with stem cells? That's another huge victory too.
  9. J

    Favourite munchies!

    Coffee, tea or a cigarette. Anything to make the munchies go away! Not to mention that caffeine prevents my high from putting me to sleep once I've come down, (unless that was the point in smoking in the first place). But if I give in and eat something, cereal and milk is a great snack. Been...
  10. J


    Just bought one for no reason. Thing is, my guy always weighs it in front of me, so I really don't know why I got one...
  11. J

    Obama's Biden pick - awful!

    Does it seem incredibly rude to anyone else that McCain turned his back on that woman while she was speaking (in the second clip)? Shes obviously real passionate about the issue and once she mentions marijuana he turns and does his little walk? Maybe that's not a big deal but it seems like a...
  12. J

    How much do you smoke?

    I generally smoke a spliff or a joint after I finish classes and class work most days, which equates to about 3 or 4 grams per week. That's about all I can afford. I'm in my senior year of college and overloading a bit on classes to finish a double major, which leaves little time to work and...
  13. J

    What's your favorite method of smoking?

    I put spliff, but joints are up there too...
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