Recent content by Jobhunter420

  1. J

    Help please - Will this work?

    Congrats on not having to be tested. For your parent's test you can substitute with clean urine from a friend. I don't think they would be watching over you while you pee.
  2. J

    Help please - How long does it stay in my system?

    Being 120 clean should've cleared your system of most THC. One smoke on 11/8 would add a small amount to your system but it will be out by January for sure. Just keep to your usual routine.
  3. J

    Help please - Will this work?

    Keep on drinking lots of liquids. Detox drink before the test can help with dilution and it worked for me in the past.
  4. J

    Drug test in 8 days - Need a little help here

    You should start exercising to burn some of your fat cells which store THC. Sweat as much as possible when you exercise and go to a sauna if possible. Drink 2 gallons of water each day. First Check allows you to send your specimen to a lab and they should tell you the amount of THC that was...
  5. J

    Macujo method questions for experts

    Good Day my tokers & smokers! I am a frequent lurker and finally registered to be a member of this great forum. I recently had a job interview for a great position and few days after interview HR reached out to me about providing references from previous employers. I have been clean for 30+...
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