Recent content by John MM

  1. J

    Horses warning

    He couldn't complain as he was totally baked :D If no allergic reactions then it is ok for his health, i guess. I have a dog but when we are smoking he simply leave the room. I'm not forcing him or blowing smoke at him. If he liked it he would stay in the room :)
  2. J

    Why I Give My 9-Year-Old Pot Part 1

    Read the whole story. Happy to see such a caring and not giving up parents! And also marijuana helping people. Stay strong! Stay high!
  3. J

    Why I Give My Autistic Son Pot, Part 4

    Just happy to see the real examples of marijuana or thc extract or anything else regarding to marijuana is helping to people with problems. Such a sad, painful story but yet again good and great. Parents not giving up, testing new things to help their son, marijuana helping people.... Great story
  4. J

    Adderall and Cannabis

    Hello May, My experiances are the same as yours. Excatly the same. After a few combinations and testing with my doctor, we have found a winning combination for me. BTW: Great post and insite.
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