Recent content by JohnnyWonder

  1. J

    Cannabis Oil Openly Sold By Iowa Stores Without State Permits Despite Legal Questions

    Re: Cannabis Oil Openly Sold By Iowa Stores Without State Permits Despite Legal Quest Like it or not, there are several issues here: 1) CBD oil is not yet legal and people trying to make it legal risk being removed from the equation that can help guide and create the process if they break the...
  2. J

    Marijuana Prices Are Plunging In Colorado, And That Could Be Bad News

    What did people think was going to happen? To think that it would have turned out any different would be immature, naive and delusional. I work in the industry here in Washington. I work on a farm that can also process and we are not funded by deep pockets. While the company I work for is...
  3. J

    Jeff Sessions Once Again Hints That A Marijuana Crackdown May Be Imminent

    While Sessions may not have been elected directly by the people, he was selected and approved for office by politicians we collectively elected who could have rejected him.
  4. J

    Jeff Sessions Once Again Hints That A Marijuana Crackdown May Be Imminent

    If it were only so simple. How many True Believers who are utterly illiterate in science have you tried to convince of something? We are talking about a religious fanatic that believes in Creationism and the earth being 6000 years old. It's a wasted effort. Better for people to take the...
  5. J

    Harvard Study: This Is What Happens To Your Brain If You Smoke Marijuana

    There is much less definitive "proof" than you suggest. Also, while there are many studies that might suggest cannabis may have a positive outcome, the studies are often small in the sample population and hardly indicative in and of themselves that cannabis is a panacea. Many of the studies...
  6. J

    Hydrosalts and Organic Soil - Bad Practice or Perpetuated Rumor?

    Aloha Cannabinerd! Great post and thanks for the info which was what my gut was telling me. I am studying to be a chemist and have realized that "organic", especially certified organic, is largely an entitlement program that is exploiting people's gullibility and ignorance. While I...
  7. J

    Hydrosalts and Organic Soil - Bad Practice or Perpetuated Rumor?

    Water is actually amphoteric, meaning that is can release H+ protons or OH- ions by the Arrhenius definition as well as by the Bronstead-Lowery definition (an acid is a proton (H+) donor and a base is a proton (H+) acceptor) of acids and bases (there is one other definition of acids and bases...
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