Recent content by Juicy D

  1. J

    What strain should i pick?

    So.. the super skunk from nirvana was a bad choice. 3 out of 10 sprouted. and the ones that did was really abnormal and grew slow. The frisians are my favorite! they are lookin fantastic! Ive almost got all my plants except one out for the season and can snap some shots if anyone is interested...
  2. J

    Need some info from outdoor grower

    make sure your spot gets good light. a good goal is 6 to 8 hrs. your soil should be able to hold water for less trips. bugs are a bitch. what your lat.? situations vary from place to place. Outdoor Growing Tutorial
  3. J

    My Own Soil Mix

    by OC u mean organic compost?
  4. J

    My Own Soil Mix

    i got some bangin compost thats been sittin since last year..i got some bags of composted manure and humus..mulch..and peat moss. im also gunna throw in some 10-10-10 fert. also why dont u just fill up a jug of piss at ur house lol. but let me know what you think. im unsure on the ratios.. peace...
  5. J

    White Widow plant smell

    my last WW bean didnt sprout out :( fuck
  6. J

    What's up guys? First Grow!

  7. J

    Humidity In a Cold Frame Greenhouse Please Help

    maybe throw a propane heater at night or if u have electricity..a electric heater and add more air flow. and during the day u could prob be good with keeping it shut up best of luck on ur grow :)
  8. J

    White Widow plant smell

    id think it would be pretty hard to cover stinky smellin buds outdoors. i got a white widow outdoors as well but still in veg. If i was u i would say the hell with the neighbors and use the manure anyways. id say thats ur best bet. The one i grew last year didnt smell as much. they were ufo...
  9. J

    Where to get netting for outdoor plants?

    theres gotta be somethin similar at ur local walmart or lowes :)
  10. J

    What's up guys? First Grow!

    hey firestone... when using that 10-10-10 with much did u use of each? did u bother with the lime?
  11. J

    Another Outdoor Season on the computer

    best of luck to you man. how the grow spot lookin? what kind of soil mix u using? keep it safe and green :)
  12. J

    What's up guys? First Grow!

    Re: What's up guys? FIRST GROW! lucian...give up that MG shit
  13. J

    Indoor germination/ Outdoor vegging questions

    you need to figure out how much light you get a day outside and slowly adjust your timer of your cfls to that of the light outdoors..understand? look around the forum..there is alot of threads on this topic... good luck on your grow man!! keep em healthy :) :peace:
  14. J

    What strain should i pick?

    got my seeds in the mail today :grinjoint: im ready to grow!! :peace:
  15. J

    What strain should i pick?

    i love the skunk strains as well! and yeah im pretty excited about the frisian dew. ive had a couple diesel plants and im with you on that too! great smoke! i sure do miss that nyc....
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