Recent content by jukeboxj

  1. J

    Home drug test before the job test

    Update: I passed my labcorp drug test :) time to burn a phatty!
  2. J

    I need Help ASAP

    usually after 1 blunt- it takes on average 10 days for levels to decrease to 50ng/ml or lower. It's awesome that you're an active person. I would increase the amount of time doing cardio (vigorous activity everyday), use a diuretic (milk thistle) to help expel the metabolites and milk thistle...
  3. J

    How can I get THC out my system fast?

    Re: How can i get thc out my system fast?--My Experience Hello, I wanted to post my experience with naturally detoxing: I was a daily smoker for a year. Then OF COURSE, I had to stop in order to pass a drug screen before interning at the hospital. So, I decided start researching up...
  4. J

    Home drug test before the job test

    Thank you for replying... It's just that I here of other stories where it has taken them 60 days to clean their system. I know that everyone's physiology is different. (and I'm an exercise physiology major so you know i'm extra paranoid about failing this test for my intern). but thank you for...
  5. J

    Home drug test before the job test

    Hey AKOSIDARWIN, I KNOW YOU said you passed the home drug test, but did you also pass the job test? and what did your job test consisted of? Here's my story: I know I'm (female, 150lbs) getting ready to ask the typical cliche question, but I'm in need of advice. My smoking history consisted...
  6. J

    Info on how to pass a urinary analysis or blood work

    I know I'm (female, 150lbs) getting ready to ask the typical cliche question, but I'm in need of advice. My smoking history consisted of being a habitual smoker for a year. However, I've been abstaining from mother earth for 40 days now (exercise, H20, cranberry juice, healthy diet plan). I have...
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