Recent content by karlulz

  1. K

    Obama's War On Medical Marijuana

    Here we go again, with this 'true' need for marijuana bullshit.
  2. K

    Hallelujah! Canadians Agree, It's Time To Legalize Marijuana

    Bless Canada and Godspeed! :high-five:
  3. K

    Best things to do while stoned

    Good thing to do while stoned (as well as non-stoned really), and for this you have to be continuously stoned from anywhere between 2 to 4 months or more lol : Grow. A. Plant. In addition, you are in no way or shape to interact or tend for the plant if you are not stoned. An exception can be...
  4. K

    You know your high when

    mm the pot episodes, nice yea? some last for like 10 minutes :)
  5. K

    You know your high when

    @art fog, Oh sweet.. I'm a little more inland towards prospect pk : )) Tho I'm gonna move (back) to Qns by xmas. Topic-wise: ... when it seems like a no-brainer that everyone you encounter, every conversation you recall, every aspect of modern life, media, politics, music, fashion...
  6. K

    All I want for christmas is?

    ^^^ this thank you :) !! As of right now, though, I'd like a little more space where I can grow my own, that'd be sweet since I naturally like caring for plants.
  7. K


    All right, this is my first thread here :welcome: So long story short, I had been smoking weed and tripping non-stop for the last 72 hours. Now I'm coming down. Keep in mind that I'm pretty new at this.. the last 3 days are a blur and I've been to places far too high to come back from...
  8. K

    You know your high when

    * When you suddenly realize, this Onion you're currently eating tastes pretty good, matter of fact it doesn't quite taste like onion from what you seem to remember. * When the fractal you're currently seeing actually starts to make sense (!!)
  9. K

    What am I doing wrong?

    Pross, from your description it seems to me you're doing it just fine :p ;))
  10. K

    Finding a Job

    Coolness. If I only had a job like that! I wouldn't know Thursday from Pepperoni ;):ganjamon:
  11. K

    How does smoking MJ make you feel?

    Not yet. I'm not such a veteran like some here seems to be but smoking das weed makes me disengage in a very nice way and I can actually feel the electrical layout of my brain changing under the influence of this molecule. I can sort of "feel my brainwaves" and I can usually see this experience...
  12. K

    Best things to do while stoned

    hell no babe! *hi5*:high-five: My favorite stuff to do when stoned is just enjoying getting baked with friends. Waking up and raiding their fridge in the middle of the night etc... Obviously just getting sauced while online and reading/posting in weed forums. lol. Or umm... keeping some...
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