Recent content by keaneabis

  1. K

    Smoked for the first time in 6 months

    I'm on a break right now. i was in some legal trouble at school which was unrelated to weed, but i was smoking an insane amount at the time. i used it as an excuse to stop because it just wasn't making me feel good anymore. had no problem kicking it for a while, and after mah court date i'm...
  2. K

    Heard of this travesty?

    kids don't huff glue because they want to get high. they *points own age group* huff glue because they have not been taught a good set of morals by their parents. my parents never told me not to heat up a piece of copper and stick it in my ear...but the common sense i derived from their good...
  3. K

    Could someone please tell me why Cdn and American Gov doesn't want to make MJ.....

    Re: Could someone please tell me why Cdn and American Gov doesn't want to make MJ.... The penalties for narcotics convictions are so outlandishly severe because of the people that suffer from them. Those people are mostly looked upon as the bottom-feeders of society by those responsible for the...
  4. K

    Never Get Busted

    These sodomites think it makes them look smart to talk very fast and not listen to the other side of any issue. That woman is completely asinine. It amazes me how condescending some people can be while maintaining employment. I guess that speaks to the ethics of Fox. In fact, the only thing that...
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