Recent content by keyplay

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  2. K

    Feds' Cannabis Crack-Down Touches Arcata

    Yes, this is very bad....its like they (Feds) want to keep their filthy hands on the money as they already know the people are going to be demanding freedom for the plant, but on whose dime? So many paradoxes. Barbara Boxer needs to be voted out of office like yesterday. That blue blood old...
  3. K

    GM Marijuana Problem Growing in Colombia

    we got off topic when couple of you guys said or inferred, "bred by the emperor himself" and made reference to his breeding which he was NOT . If you don't know anything, why are you commenting here in a thread about science and history? a true technical topic? Maybe you are best gathering...
  4. K

    GM Marijuana Problem Growing in Colombia

    WRONG! Jack had a whole shitload of seeds everyone and their brother gave him during his extensive guys are fabricating a story based on what some guy said...... and your mutant theory doesn't mean squat.....there are many more varaiables than a 3 fingered leaf and internode...
  5. K

    GM Marijuana Problem Growing in Colombia

    you're joking right? I don't believe the Colombians have anything more than feminised seeds which will give a bigger faster yield of sticky big GM. Jack Herer was not known as a breeder or developer of strains, bud. And if he was dabbling, it wasn't to refine triploid mutations ;)
  6. K

    Hola from Oaksterdam

    Keyplay here prop 215 Caregiver patient in Oakland saying, "Glad to be here and keeping it green"
  7. K

    Mistrial Declared In Miss. Doctor's Drug Case

    Awesome! Thos PIGS down there are Nazi s and trying to get a property forfeiture...Its all about fucking greed!!!! Go Doc Go !!!!
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