Recent content by KhanVict

  1. K

    Stealth Deep Water Culture Grow Journal HPS 150w + 4 23w CFLS Closet

    Very, very nice, bro. I sure as hell hope my first grow turns out as bad-ass as yours is looking. We're CRAZY-lucky to have help from people like MostlyCrazy, Green007, Roseman, and tons of other Deep Water Culture that help us out. Wish you continued success; I'll keep watching.
  2. K

    Another First Deep Water Culture/DWC grow Special Kush #1

    Lookit that... 5-gallon bucket, damp towel; DIY styrofoam covers... Someone's been doing his Deep Water Culture research! Nice job, there, 'Frog...
  3. K

    The Munki's Playground

    Thanks for your welcome-message on The Butcher's grow-journal. Best believe I'll be following THIS one as well to get all the info I can sponge up before MY first grow. Good luck!
  4. K

    Seed Madness Medical Grow by The Butcher

    Re: Seedmadness Medical Grow by The Butcher New to the forums; have read SEVERAL completed grows here already. Excited that I can follow this one in real-time. Best of luck to ya.'
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