Recent content by Kidshaleen

  1. K

    When to harvest

    I am a first time, outdoor grower. How do you know when to harvest them?
  2. K

    Growing outside

    Don't have instagram, but would love to collaborate as I am in metro west, south of the pike.
  3. K

    Growing outside

    Plain potting soil or can I use miracle gro?
  4. K

    Growing outside

    I'll germinate over the next few days and when ready, place in starter cups with potting soil. Can I use miracle gro potting soil or does it need to be plain? Anyone have luck growing outside in MA (we're legal)? I have Candy Cane and White Widow.
  5. K

    Backyard grow needs advice

    Going to germinate my first batch and plant this summer with my vegetables (tomatoes, zucchini, etc.) outside in full sun. Will the miracle grow used for the veggies work for White Widow and Candy Cane? Suggestions?
  6. K

    Growing legally outside

    I am planning on a half dozen plants in my vegetable garden this summer. Watering will be fine as the tomatoes are always plump, but can anyone tell me about soil differentials? Will marijuana grow with my miracle grow vegetables?
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