Recent content by Kimbo Jones

  1. K

    Am I ready for harvest?

    Hey was wondering if anyone could tell me if im ready for harvest from my photos. Also if I am, I haven't flushed yet? does this matter? I don't really wanna soak my plant as currently have fungus gnats and worried about creating more moisute! Any help would be appreciated.
  2. ready


  3. ready


  4. ready


  5. ready


  6. ready


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  8. ready


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  11. ready


  12. K

    Help Please

    Okay thankyou very much :) I've tried to gently rub it with my finger and some of it has come off, but obviously not all. Thanks for the advice! I'm sure I'll be back here in a few weeks time asking for more help as like I said this is a first time thing!
  13. K

    Help Please

    I think you could be right with over watering as I water once a day at the moment using tap water I water until it drains through the bottom. Per 250ml of water I'm putting just a tea spoon maybe less of each nutrient. Is this to much then? Should I just be doing tap water? I did actually...
  14. K

    Help Please

    Okay So I Started roughly a week ago in a setup I've made under CFL's (3 of them) There's only the 1 Plant and this is a first time thing. I've just watered and have found that the tips of the leaf's have a sort of white dot on the tip?!!! I use Coco Coir and have recently transplanted...
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