Recent content by KittyLeMew

  1. KittyLeMew

    2nd Time Around To Grow Some Autos Indoors With Minimal Effort Experiment

    HELLLLOOOOO????lol. I thought making a journal would have lots of ppl giving their opinion on the plants and ect . I makes updates and no one says anything . Is this the right place to post or ???
  2. KittyLeMew

    2nd Time Around To Grow Some Autos Indoors With Minimal Effort Experiment

    Oh and here's an update on my mason jar hydroponic weed auto plant. I added more water to it
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  4. KittyLeMew

    2nd Time Around To Grow Some Autos Indoors With Minimal Effort Experiment

    It even smells like men's cologne . What's that's about ?! Lol ^_^
  5. KittyLeMew

    2nd Time Around To Grow Some Autos Indoors With Minimal Effort Experiment

    Update ! I cut down this top cola cause I feel it was ready if maybe 2 days too early . I hung it up to dry and will be updating every 2 days on how it's doing. Right now it smells VERY fruity and almost evergreenish? The rest of the plant I'll be giving 3 more days or so at least till I cut it...
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  8. KittyLeMew

    2nd Time Around To Grow Some Autos Indoors With Minimal Effort Experiment

    Im.dying here . I wanna snip a bud so bad
  9. KittyLeMew

    2nd Time Around To Grow Some Autos Indoors With Minimal Effort Experiment

    Hello all! Here's an update on my auto that's in flowering right now. I want to cut one of these buds and dry and cure it . The trychomes say yes cause they're all milky and amber except for maybe 5% clearish. But the bud says no cause I still see greenish white pistils. But,... I do see the...
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  13. KittyLeMew

    2nd Time Around To Grow Some Autos Indoors With Minimal Effort Experiment

    Here's another update on my star of the show plant atm. It's the only 1 that is budding and it seems day by actual day it's getting more and more red pistils and less fresh white pistils. The trichomes seem to be growing by the day aswell. I may end up harvesting this plant within 2 weeks , not...
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