Recent content by Knockout

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  2. Knockout

    Deficiency or pH?

    I am not sure if i have said that already, but thanks for everything, you have been a huge help. Hopefully i will see improvement signs soon so i can post them back here so you can see your help in action :)
  3. Knockout

    Deficiency or pH?

    Although i think the damage is much more consistent with mites instead of gnats and the gnats would be more easily detectable since they fly around, i took into consideration what you said. The good think is that both gnats and mites can be handled by pretty much the same pesticides. In the end...
  4. Knockout

    Deficiency or pH?

    Sorry to hear that, get well soon! I have done close inspection to all leaves i am cutting while defoliating and i have found zero bug. I also did by best to inspect stems but the situation is much harder for that since it is a pretty stocky plant. I will try again and see where it gets me.
  5. Knockout

    Deficiency or pH?

    After spending some time on the internet researching the drastic element of the pesticide i found a lot of people warning about using it on flowering plants. I am really concerned about this thing and i would want to avoid using it since it does not seem to be 100% safe. I am not sure what to do...
  6. Knockout

    Deficiency or pH?

    Hello again. Here is Fiona in her current state. As you can see, she is doing pretty much ok. The mites do not seem to have crippled her. Although she is a month and a half along and compared to my last grow she seems to be a bit slower growing. Check my signature to see how past girls did at...
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  11. Knockout

    Deficiency or pH?

    I have yet to find an acceptable pesticide for my crop. The situation has not gotten out of hand so i still think have time to fix it. I found a completely eaten up leaf though which probably means the situation is worsening. Fiona does seem to be growing steadily though, she does not seem to...
  12. Knockout

    Knockout's First Ever Grow

    That is all for now. I just wanted to have some kind of closure for this journal. Also, can a moderator move this to done please?
  13. Knockout

    Knockout's First Ever Grow

    Hello everyone! First of all i would like to tell everyone how sorry i am that i stopped posting in this grow journal. I feel so bad to let this wonderful community down without any updates. That being said, i was having some really personal problems inside my family and i did not have the...
  14. Knockout

    Deficiency or pH?

    @AngryBird Is the vinegar supposed to repel/kill them or lure them? I am asking because last grow i used vinegar to ph down my water. I had no actual ph down to buy so i ended up doing the most natural thing i could think of. I never had problems with mites last grow so maybe this is it? I...
  15. Knockout

    Deficiency or pH?

    From all the research i did, everything points to the symptoms being related to spider mites. My only problem is that i can not find any of the nasty little things on my girl. I guess them being so small may be the reason. I will spray them with something on Monday and i will try to come back...
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