Recent content by Krypton242

  1. K

    Delay In Tax System Imperils California's Rush To Govern Cannabis Economy

    Please don't tax My marijuana. It is Earth to me. It cures My ADD. Will they tax mothers milk next? State sales tax is all that is needed... If it is sold in a store This is not get rich quick this is long term. I need this and I have always enjoyed using it This is a terrible system that...
  2. K

    DEA Removes Misleading Information About Marijuana From Its Website

    My ADD is completely gone! Thank you Marijuana, I am free
  3. K

    ON: Canopy Growth Says Number Of Medical Marijuana Patients More Than Tripled

    Profit profit profit This stuff is no harder to grow than lettuce, carrots or tomatoes. Why do you think they are expanding? All you need is a room and light. People have grown indoors for years up here. The profit is high and the cost is low. I mean super low! They are the ones that own all...
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  14. K

    Crop King Bubba Kush Grow - One Seed - DWC - 400W HPS

    Oh well , I guess that I will finish My journal here as the other site crashed. So how the hell did I upload the photo that I already have. Did I actually drag and drop it? That would be so old school. This plant is so frosty now. I'll try again.
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