Recent content by ksasha

  1. K

    In need of advice

    I have managed to produce a fantastic oil that I have mixed 1-20 with coconut oil and am very proud of. I began trialling it before I give to anyone and ate a 1ml 20-1 dose. I still felt the stoned effect quite strong so I guess my question is should I dilute it more or lessen the dose or...
  2. K

    In need of advice

    were all mates on here aren't we? fighting for the same cause
  3. K

    In need of advice

    I have decided to use coconut oil 20-1 to dilute my cco and cap them.. any tips or advice on whether this will help a child with nervous tics and or is there a better additive or oil to use other than coconut.. I wish to eliminate the thc high as much as possible for my child, would it be safer...
  4. K

    In need of advice

    hey thanks guys
  5. K

    In need of advice

    don thanks for the response I did use the rso method and used 190proof neutral grain spirit 95%alcohol.. very sure I have removed all traces of alcohol and am left with a very sticky very thick oil that is almost ridiculous to work with.. lol I learned the hard way that 1g vaped is too...
  6. K

    In need of advice

    I know all the information is on here but due to work and a extremely busy life It would take weeks for me to weed it out... help please
  7. K

    In need of advice

    gday I have recently had a go at producing oil and to my surprise I think I have done real well. I will be using to help a few family members with different ailments such as cancer, ms and tics.. I have no idea on how to dose or administer and am shit scared of the potency of what I...
  8. K

    How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

    hi need some advice as I'm a newbie but am determined to try all cures before giving up. I recently made my first batch of oil and am very pleasantly surprised at how easy it was. I used high grade material but did not have sufficient alcohol to wash so ended up only washing half the material...
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