Recent content by kushclouds

  1. K

    Harvesting for plant reuse?

    transplanting while your soil is really wet will probably fuck up your roots..overwatering is not that big of a deal, i simply wouldn't give water untill the soil dries up again.:grinjoint:
  2. K


    i'll keep that in mind for my next harvest :thumb:, unfortunately, the shipping on most sites takes about a week and i don't want to lose quality.:smoke2: going to harvest in a few hours :cheertwo::cool::tokin::blunt:;)
  3. K


    the thing is i'm not sure whether im looking at amber or clear trichomes from that distance :trance: would that waterdrop trick work on a normal camera too? my phone only has like 8 mp and no macro ;) also i was planning on letting them crave for water so the drying process would be quicker, is...
  4. K

    popped the shell off too early

    did the same thing with one of my current plants and its fine :hippy:
  5. K

    Should i keep my extractor on 24/7?

    you want to have a constant airflow to prevent diseases like mold and bug infestations. my humidity was 80%-100%+ until my buds started to get big so you shouldnt have to worry about that for now RoorRip
  6. K


    thanks for the reply :thumb: , unfortunately i won't have a decent magnifying glass until my next harvest. maybe try zooming in? (ctrl and +), when zoomed in i see plenty of cloudy trichomes but i dont notice any difference between clear trichomes and amber trichomes :straightface: :rasta: if i...
  7. K

    What's with side lighting? Does it really help?

    damn thats a nice setup :ganjamon: i'm thinking about adding side lightning too when i switch to a bigger room :hippy:
  8. K

    1st time grower weird leaf shapes?!

    those are obviously no weed plants, ditch em and order some feminized seeds and soil online :blunt:
  9. K


    hi :420: these plants are about 7 weeks into flower, 50/50 indica/sativa, should i harvest now or give it another week or so? ive been giving them water with no nutrients for about 3 weeks prior
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