Recent content by l337MayMays

  1. L

    Drawer micro grow cabinet

    Thanks man! Yeah, I'm really hesitant to try autos simply because of the stigma they get for not being as potent, but beggars can't be choosers. :grinjoint: Should I move this thread to the journal section once I start growing or for the build of the grow box? I have made quite some progress on...
  2. L

    Drawer micro grow cabinet

    Hello all! New member here! I don't really know where to start! I am pretty darn toasted so please forgive any ranting or nonsensical sentences:grinjoint: I have never grown before and I'd like to give it a shot. Being a full time student, I don't have very much to spend on high-end equipment...
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  7. L

    Adderall and Cannabis

    Hello, first time poster here :) Also pretty blazed, sorry for the long post! :grinjoint: Just wanted to give you my experience. I have a prescription for Vyvanse, a precursor to adderall. It's not as intense, but the drug metabolizes into essentially the same salt, from my understanding...
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