Recent content by LaurenIpsom

  1. L

    Adjusting your pH when growing in soil damaging your plants!

    Not sure if you figured it out or not, but you should not water daily if you are using soil, it is hard to tell from the pics. For a PH that high you would want to add some sulphur, there are guides online (How to Adjust Soil pH for Your Garden - dummies) that can help you to figure out how much...
  2. L

    Adjusting your pH when growing in soil damaging your plants!

    THANK YOU! I was reading this thread and just cringed the whole time. PH is one of the MOST important parts of growing any plant. My water comes out at around an 8, if I didn't adjust down to a 6 to 6.5 my plants would be hurting. I actually went and created an account just to let you know...
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