Recent content by LemonadeStand

  1. LemonadeStand

    Growing some green GOODNESS

    I'm sorry people can't post no more, laters
  2. LemonadeStand

    Growing some green GOODNESS

    What does AF mean? thx
  3. LemonadeStand

    Growing some green GOODNESS

    ok thank you I will do that, I will do 24/0 with the clones and keep my 21/3 on the other girls. They are starting to bounce back beautifully. I will post some more pics tonight when my new camera's battery charges. later
  4. LemonadeStand

    Growing some green GOODNESS

    I got a pretty good deal, I paid about 1.40$ a watt, they are 90 watt panels
  5. LemonadeStand

    Growing some green GOODNESS

    Sorry your right this forum is packed with stuff, I understand, I was just scared cause my girl was dying but I think I may have solved or at least am repairing the ph problem, I added some ph up and yesterday I got some dolomitic lime and I added a small hand full to about 10 cups of soil and...
  6. LemonadeStand

    Growing some green GOODNESS

    I guess I'm not that interesting, not even 1 comment in 2 days, that kind of pisses me of why did I even make this darn thing , if no one will even read or comment on my journal. WTF
  7. LemonadeStand

    Growing some green GOODNESS

    Hello all, first time grower here, I wish I knew what I was doing but I don't so, I'm here to accept my incompetence and ask for help. But it only takes me one mistake before I change It. (I use RO water ph start 6.0) well here is my set up. I have 1 mother who is totally sick due too ...
  8. plant prod products. good or bad??

    plant prod products. good or bad??

  9. ph up and ph down

    ph up and ph down

  10. LemonadeStand

    Hello All :) Heres the lowdown

    its the ph, that what i think anyway I have been using plant prod 10-52-10 at like 1/5 strength but i'm sure her ph is too low, i gave her some ph up to balance everything and we will see I will get a digital soil tester tomorrow, thx
  11. LemonadeStand

    Pls help my girl is sick

    hello, my mother is sick and it is spreading to my clones also, I don't know whats wrong, I don't have good nutes and I have just been using watered down plant prod products, It looks like nute burn but it may be a deficiency also, the clones are starting to loose green in leaves also and curl...
  12. LemonadeStand

    Comment by 'LemonadeStand' in media 'DSCN5609'

    pls tell what is wrong is this leaf disease or nute problem, or maybe even ph problem??
  13. DSCN5609


    They are sick pls tell me whats wrong
  14. LemonadeStand

    Hello All :) Heres the lowdown

    I'M KIND OF FREAKING OUT, I thought this was just nute burn but now i'm not too sure, my little clones are dying 2 I dont know what to do pls help, can it be leaf fungus too and maybe sp,e nute problem???? pls help
  15. DSCN55971


    hy girl is sick and it is spreading to all my clones I dont know what to do. I'm scared
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