Recent content by Lil86

  1. L

    They not seeds!!!

    They not seeds!!!
  2. L

    Hi guys: Hermie or calyxs please, should I be worried?

    Thank you for the advice guys really appreciate it and Chris if they are seeds they're coming straight out of a couple of the newer starting sprouts lower down but due to no signs of Male-ness (balls bananas pre flowers etc) am preying that its just lesser bits of but gonna be patient see what...
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  8. L

    Hi guys: Hermie or calyxs please, should I be worried?

    Thanks man I'll keep on top of it and anything new that looks potentially seedy can just have the chop well nervous should only be 3/4 weeks till done!
  9. L

    Hi guys: Hermie or calyxs please, should I be worried?

    So even if there's a few seeds kicking about somewhere within the grow if I keep onto of trimming the little new sprouting bits that come etc I should still harvest smokeable bud is that correct? (Given I already have nice tops seems silly to let the tiny bits go for the sake of 2/3 weeks)
  10. L

    Haha thanks dude!

    Haha thanks dude!
  11. L

    Hi guys: Hermie or calyxs please, should I be worried?

    And yeah theres no clusters, little yellow bananas or actual predominant Male flowers if that helps....
  12. L

    Hi guys: Hermie or calyxs please, should I be worried?

    I don't think they're pods as they're all growing from the pistols or the pistols have fallen off them when I zoom in, which made me unsure, and they're literally tiny atm, if they were seeds would they be exposing themselves whilst so immature??.....I cut 2 little branches last night just...
  13. L

    Hi guys: Hermie or calyxs please, should I be worried?

    Cheers guys and arrgh That's frustrating! and I'm about wk 5/6 into flower here are some of the better's just the one or 2 odd gangly branches that look like that rest of the bud looks lovely would cutting these odd looking branches asap help?
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