Recent content by LordBaltimore

  1. L

    HPS Vs T5HO , What side are you on?

    Hello Folks, This is re-peat of a previous post in the growing section...thought Id add this: I'm growing just 1 plant and use 3 - 36 watt T-8 6500K 4 foot tubes for the first 4 1/2 hrs then 1- 100watt MH for 9 hrs and then 3 - 36watt T-8 6500K 4 foot tubes for the last 4 1/2 hrs for veg using...
  2. L

    Best Grow lights?

    Hello Folks, This is my 1st post...just signed up. I'm growing just 1 plant and use 3 - 36 watt T-8 6500K 4 foot tubes for the first 4 1/2 hrs then 1- 100watt MH for 9 hrs and then 3 - 36watt T-8 6500K 4 foot tubes for the last 4 1/2 hrs for veg using 2 separate timers (18hrs on 6 hrs...
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