Recent content by LotsOfTrees

  1. L

    Another BCNL Bloombox Journal 2013/2014

    Great idea about putting the plants in the right chamber to veg, just recently i let my black jacks veg too long and their roots are one big knot with another plants. Gonna stunt their growth transplanting. So i'm pretty stoned at the moment and i had to re read your post three times but what...
  2. L

    Another BCNL Bloombox Journal 2013/2014

    Full view of box: White Widow buds Afghan buds
  3. Afghan bud

    Afghan bud

  4. Afghan bud

    Afghan bud

  5. White Widow

    White Widow

    Again, no bueno on what week these are. They're a little younger than the 10 week old plant.
  6. Full view

    Full view

    Ive been bad about keeping track of what week they're on, i believe week 10 of flowering.
  7. L

    White Widow

    That yield is fantastic, how long have you been growing for?
  8. L

    Another BCNL Bloombox Journal 2013/2014

    I'm looking for more head high, but im growing 100% indica and of course 2 hybrids, so more less gonna be a body high which is great too! I'm gonna snap some new pictures, then ill post a couple on here for ya
  9. L

    Another BCNL Bloombox Journal 2013/2014

    Eeek, that heart wrenching moment when you see them pollen sacks!
  10. L

    White Widow

    Its a very neat setup, fully hydro, it pretty much grows itself, aside from changing nutes every week. The only problem i have is plants growing too tall. two white widows flowering on the right along with 1 afghan which is so big its spread out into the white widows!
  11. Bloombox


  12. L

    White Widow

    I got the seeds from Ive had quite an impressive success rate with them, only have had 1 male out of about 15 seeds. Ill see if i can post a picture of my setup, i too am trying to get the hang of this website, lol
  13. L

    White Widow

    :blalol: They look amazing, i have 2 widows growing in a bloombox and they wont produce near as much yield as those..
  14. L

    Another BCNL Bloombox Journal 2013/2014

    Hi there, i am too a bloombox grower! Your plants are looking excellent :D I'm curious are you using the right chamber to veg as well as flower? About the bottom T-5 lights, I found out quick having 5 plants in there or more creates a lot of shaded areas especially on the lower parts. At this...
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