Recent content by LowcountrySC

  1. L

    Low and slow drying?

    Hey everyone. Mine is still drying / curing. Pinched a little bit to try it out and thought it was on the weak side. Can I expect the potency to get better as it cures? Thanks.
  2. L

    Low and slow drying?

    Hey everyone. Quick question. When I have my jars in the 62 -72 range, how long do I burp them? Until they are down to 62, or a set amount of time? Thanks
  3. L

    Low and slow drying?

    Thanks. Will do.
  4. L

    Low and slow drying?

    Yes. I was expecting it to be a little high. That's telling me that I haven't over dried. It's only been in fridge for 8 days. Seems like most people are saying it takes 2 weeks so I think I'm on course for a slow dry!
  5. L

    Low and slow drying?

    Ok Test jar, after 1 hour, was at 79% humidity. I'm assuming that is what I wanted to see after 8 days in the fridge??
  6. L

    Low and slow drying?

    Thanks. I have read this and I'm trying to follow it as close as I can. Actually have a test jar in the closet for an hour to get a feel for where I'm at with humidity. They do look good though!!
  7. L

    Low and slow drying?

    So, they have been in the fridge for almost a week. What exactly should they be looking like? Just look like cold, soft buds to me. I guess that's why its called low and slow?
  8. L

    Low and slow drying?

    Thanks. I know I'm sweating it. Just don't want to f up. They are in the frig. Wish me luck!
  9. L

    Low and slow drying?

    Just harvested my first successful plant. Just finished washing them and they are hanging up to dry. You stated you first put your harvest in a bucket in the fridge for your first step. I'm working with a mini fridge. Can I just lay them in there, since I don't have room for a bucket?
  10. L

    Low and slow drying?

    Just wondering, when you have put your buds in jars, do you still keep them in the fridge?
  11. L

    What are these bugs, should I be concerned?

    Cool. I have a big bag of it in the garage. Thanks.
  12. L

    What are these bugs, should I be concerned?

    Can the diatomaceous earth be used as a preventative measure for outdoor growers? Do you put it on the plant soil, or on ground around the plant?
  13. L

    Low and slow drying?

    Yeah, I'm in. Just hope I don't mess it up. First harvest here!
  14. L

    Low and slow drying?

    I'm definitely going to do this in a week or two. What is the desired fridge temp and humidity? Right now my fridge is at 38 degrees and 38 humidity.
  15. L

    Low and slow drying?

    I was reading up on Dr. Ziggys low and slow, but didn't see mention of what the optimum fridge and temp needed to be. Did I miss it?
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