Recent content by luckyseven420

  1. luckyseven420


    Wow - Great poem! slntchttrbx thanks for your kind words and verses. Also to herb_fellow, i grow indoors buddy but i am considering growing my first outdoor crop when the seasons permit in the uk. I think i will go for a sativa probably Durban Poison or something similar. What are you growing?
  2. luckyseven420


    Thanks you guys. I appreciate the welcome. I will of course pass on any growing tips i have to other members and look forward to joining the growing forums. Keep your lungs full guys and smoke weed everyday:cool:
  3. luckyseven420

    Does anyone have kids?

    Gee you guys have it rough over there in the States. The laws are so draconian. I am so glad i live in the UK. Our laws are a bit more relaxed toward marijuana and people are usually only cautioned for possesion of small quantities of weed say a quarter of an ounce.
  4. luckyseven420


    Hi guys just joined the 420 community even though i have been smoking for over 20 years. I smoke weed everyday and have been growing my own weed because i got sick off getting burned and ripped off all the time. I believe marijuana is natures gift to mankind and should be revered as such. I...
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