Recent content by ludi ivek

  1. L

    Change synonym Marijuana to Cannabis!

    :peace:firstly you need to change the synonym Marijuana to Cannabis! it does not matter whether Marijuana belongs to the family Sativa or Indica, it is a rare and special plant. It grows only in one part of Mexico, and the medicine man take Marijuana 1-2 on year for religious reasons, none of...
  2. L

    Change synonym Marijuana to Cannabis!

    Change synonym Marijuana to Cannabis!
  3. L

    Possible loop hole with 21st amendment and how it relates to marijuana

    THC and Alcohol are both alcaloids and belongs to same chemical OH group, have same chemical formel CHOH, onley diferent number of C AND O Molekules and thatts why had diferent influence on human body. CH?OH?...:blunt:
  4. L

    Why is 'Marijuana' otherwise known as Hemp or Cannabis illegal?

    :tokin:Marihuana is nick name for canabis sativa and have no same chemical formel although belongs to the same Alcaloid OH group. Nicotin,alcohol,heroin,cocain...have same formel CH?OH? onley diferent number of Carbon & Oxygen molecules. Marijuana grow up onley somewere in Mexico and rarely come...
  5. L

    Possible loop hole with 21st amendment and how it relates to marijuana

    STOP TO BE USFULL IDIOTS!!! Cannabis Sativa is not Marijuana!
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